Third Coast Music Nonprofit

Through outreach, internships, and workshops, Third Coast Music will feature and amalgamate Chicago’s diverse musical communities.
School curricula will be enhanced by holding workshops, courses, and programs in the areas of conducting, ensemble performance, composition, arranging, orchestration, audio engineering, sound recording, and technical support. This is training for the real world to prepare students to work in the music industry.
We will provide music education, enrichment, and opportunities for employment within the music industry that haven’t existed for local communities, musicians, schools, and universities.
Ultimately, we will create opportunities for artists and performing groups to record their music, and help to market and sell their music. A portion of the proceeds will go back to the nonprofit.
We will collaborate with already-established nonprofit programs, introducing young people to new experiences, while showing them various careers in recording, music, and technology.
Third Coast Music will offer opportunities for independent artists and community groups to record and promote their music.
The scoring stage will be a learning institute for students of all ages where we will host workshops and internships. Universities will have access to the scoring stage for their own curricula.
Third Coast Music will create programs which will educate artists on how to record their music, while teaching the business side of the music industry for successful career management.
Learn more about our work.
Download our Third Coast Music info sheet to learn more about our mission and vision.